The pleasant, warm and snug atmosphere is essential for a good rest and a convenient arrangement and selection of furniture is crucial for decorating small apartments. Bedroom is generally underestimated space in interior design. Usually it mean space only for sleeping, so it is often neglected, which to some extent is true in some cases, but if you are in that space and puts wardrobe or closet, or maybe some additional furniture, tha space can work functionaly. Of course you need care the most of the functionality of such a space, but we should not forget that it should also be comfortable for good rest.
If you want unique pleasan bedroom, you can made some part of it by concrete. That way you will get industrial look, that will give more sophistication to your home. If you don’t have an idea how to do that, see our inspirational examples and you will get an idea. Enjoy!
Image via Joshua Lawrence Studios INC
Image via Pascal Pronnier/Serge Labrunie /Véronique Chanteau