Interior Design

These homeowners have big plans for the future at their house on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and they are fully prepared to welcome the next generation and extended family. The changes in the house mark a big change in their home life: the emptying of the nest. When the youngest of their three children left for college, they sold their large home in the suburbs of Boston, moved into an apartment in the city and began to ready their weekend house on Cape Cod as their official home base. 

The newly renovated home includes dedicated bedrooms for visiting family members. They couple almost doubled the original space with additions and renovated existing areas to suit themselves and their extended family year-round. “It’s a very large house, but it’s amazing; every room feels cozy and comfortable,” says interior designer Caroline Kamp Warner, who partnered with interior designer Robin Violandi to tackle the project. Putting their design skills together, the two carefully considered gathering areas and private spaces; created comfortable nooks to curl up in; brought in lots of texture, layered lighting and built-ins; and looked at how the space would function for the whole family for generations.

